

                                                                 Tired All the Time

          She was 40. She was tired. She felt tired all the time. She went to the doctor. The doctor asked, 'What’s the matter? What’s your problem?' She said, 'I’m tired. I feel tired all the time.' The doctor examined her. The doctor asked her a lot of questions. The doctor asked for a blood sample. He took some blood from her arm. The doctor asked for a urine sample. He told her to pee in a cup. A week later, the doctor called her. He said, 'Your samples are okay. There is nothing wrong with you. You are tired because you don’t exercise. You need to exercise. Take a walk every day. Ride a bike every day. Walk up stairs every day. If you exercise, you won’t feel tired.' She didn’t believe her doctor. She didn’t exercise. If I exercise, she thought, I will feel even more 


          The loaf of bread is next to the jar of peanut butter. The bag of peanuts is next to the carton of milk. The plate of cookies is next to the bowl of chicken soup. The cup of coffee is next to the glass of juice. The fork is next to the spoon. The knife is next to the salt shaker. The salt shaker is next to the pepper shaker. The milk is in the carton. The water is in the glass. The coffee is in the cup. The soup is in the bowl. The milk is in the refrigerator. The soda is in the refrigerator. The ice cream is in the freezer. The lamp is on the table. The toaster is on the kitchen counter. The toaster is plugged in. The microwave is on the kitchen counter. But the microwave isn’t plugged in. Someone unplugged the microwave. Who unplugged the microwave? I will plug it in. I want to eat some popcorn. I want some hot popcorn. I will plug in the microwave. I will eat hot popcorn and drink a cold soda.

